For the last month or so, I've been viewing courses from the School of Visual Storytelling. It's sort of an online video library that covers different aspects of illustration and are taught by Will Terry and Jake Parker, along with guest artists that they bring on for certain lessons.
They have this thing each month called 3rd Thursday where they give out a prompt, and whoever wants to can come up with their own illustration based on that prompt. This month's prompt was:
"None of the animals could believe their eyes. The aircraft worked! For the first time Ostrich was actually flying!"
So I decided to come up with an illustration based on that and submit it. Which is partly why I haven't done a new Helmet & Hound piece in a while. The other reasons are Inktober and a freelance project. But I'm working on a new one, so stay tuned!
Anyway, here is the piece I did for 3rd Thursday.
And some progress pics.